after 4 babies do what's right for you! overview of 4 births but scary last birth!

Ok so my baby is two weeks old but when I was in the last few days of pregnancy I swear I would read and reread people's birth stories... some info about me I have 4 children my oldest is 7 and he was a c section I started bleeding out and it went from simple to 6 hours! And THEN ended up with a horrible infection and getting a hole in my uterus 10 in wide and 5 in Deep and would not heal for 10 months!... so with #2 who is 5 I begged for a VBAC... the dr agreed bc it was the same OB and she felt horrible for the ordeal I went through with my first... the catch was I could have a VBAC buuuut it would be nonmedicated bc they wanted me to "know if something felt weird"... sweetie I'm sorry but labor is an bitch... anyways after 23 hours baby came! #3 just turned 2...same hospital same OB so again no epidural.. but was worried to death I would be in labor forever so didn't go in until water broke... everything was much easier though got to the hospital had him two hours later! BABY NUMBER 4 we just moved my husband is active duty so new hospital...OB everything and they would rather you have a epidural as a VBAC just in case... looooooord this baby girl wanted us to work!!!! Never with her brothers did I have Braxton Hicks EVER! But they were constant for 6 weeks before she came! It was horrible I was completely exhausted... so at 39 weeks 3 days I asked for a membranes sweep (fuuuun stuff I literally almost jumped off the table and then cried to my OB bc I was afraid I ruined it)... started bleeding but by 39 and 5 it was heavy dark red blood enough to fill a pad in 2 hours! Went to hospital yey your in labor contractions are 3-5 minutes apart but come back when your closer... so we left... and my husband took me and the boys on a 4 mile hike and then I ran a mile on my neighbors treadmill... still nothing I could feel... so my husband left in his car (our van was in the shop) to our sons play... and all hell broke lose!!! Contractions started getting pretty intense and 1--2 minutes apart! I called him...voicemail... call call call and basically threaten to kill him a million times! He gets home and I'm on the couch with the tracker... but felt light headed so went to the restroom and pull down my pants... blood... blood everywhere ... I yelled for my husband and screamed something's wrong something's very wrong...passed out...I have a blood disorder my blood does not clot so it's very scary... by the time the ambulance got there I had bleed through two towels and they thought I was hemeraging... I was prepped for a c section in the ambulance about a 40 minute drive we made it in 15 in traffic!i got shots in my belly and my vag... they said that they would give me about 10 minutes and aunt my bleeding started throwing then they would wait and see if they wanted to do the C-section or if they would let me continue with a VBAC... bleeding slowed but my body stopped dialating... tried to sleep through the contractions but there was no use... by the next morning I was exhausted and I wasn't even progressing... so I started nipple stimulation with my contractions and wow it worked!!! I went from a 2-5cm in an hour my water broke and contractions then were  very intense (worse then baby #3 at a 10cm) so when this nurse asked if I wanted the drugs I was like you know what I've done this twice without anything I'm taking them I'm going to sleep before this baby gets here... got it... and within 2 minutes this lady was asleep! About 2 hours later they checked me and BAM! 9 cm! Twenty minutes later I had my daughter 💝 honestly I loved my epidural experience could I have made it natural again... no doubt... but in the end I've had a c section I've had natural... I've had an epidural.... guess what all my babies are beautiful.. healthy and loved so just be a bad ass mom and do what's right for your birth story! DebraMae born 11-11-16❤️❤️❤️