baby fever?

I just had my baby 8 weeks ago. And If you would've told me "oh you're going to miss being pregnant when she's finally here" when I was 9 months pregnant I might have thrown you in front of a bus and laughed while doing it. But looking back now, I really do miss it. I miss the little kicks and punches. No matter how bad they hurt sometimes. I miss laying in bed getting absolutely no sleep because I loved feeling her roll around. No matter how tired I was the next day. I miss my belly, no matter how fat and ugly I thought I looked at the time. I miss knowing that she was right there, safe and sound, at all times. I miss being pregnant. No matter how swollen my feet and face got, how sick I got, how bad everything hurt. It was all worth it, I got one beautiful baby out of it. Is anyone else having major baby fever already! I'm definitely not ready for more yet but goodness I can't wait to be pregnant again..even though I hated it when I actually was pregnant 😂