Feeling really depressed.


I'm finding it really hard to get excited about being pregnant!

I just feel like I'm annoying everyone at work though with being pregnant.

I seem to have loads of Midwife appointments & hospital appointments & everyone at work has started making snide comments about how many I'm having & how I keep leaving early etc

It's like I can't do anything about the appointments! It's not my fault there seems to be so many & they're always at random times of the day.

Heaven forbid I have a day off sick too! Even the management just think I'm being 'pathetic' & skiving and tells me how I need to 'man up' !

I've started to feel like a massive burden & just want to leave!

I don't even like talking about it now because I feel like I'm pissing everyone off !

And now I've found when people ask how I am I get annoyed at why their asking & shut the question down by going 'I'm fine'

I also don't find myself getting excited about going for the scans; I've not cried at any of the scan pictures or when I heard the heart beat!

I'm really worried I'm not going to bond with the baby because how how negatively I feel about it all :(