
Exactly 59 days ago today we had a early miscarriage at 6 and half weeks, it was an unplanned pregnancy since I was taking birth control. When I found out I was so overwhelmed and upset, I didn't know what to do, I wasn't ready for the change. Aventually I learned to love the child that had been inside me, and very soon became excited.I went to the nearest clinic and had some tests done. Later on I found out that my HCG levels were suppose to be higher then what they were, it upset me I knew from then on something wasn't right.. I had to get blood work every week.. The next week the results were even worst.. Lower.. 😢 it was so upsetting even tho it was an unplanned pregnancy, because now I excepted the fact and was excited about it.. On September 30th I had a miscarriage, I cannot explain the feeling😢.. I couldn't start taking my birth control until the Sunday after my period, we have been having unprotected sex ever since the bleeding stoped.. Weeks went by and I thought to myself something isn't right.. I'm having pregnancy sytoms again.. I tested on October 29th, it was negative. I didn't Believe the test, I knew it was to early, I just had a feeling.. A couple weeks went by and I took a test on November 11th and it was positive💕 Never in a million years will I be able to explain the feelings I had for that positive. I went to the nearest clinic and done some tests, everything was good. My heart melted because I knew this could be a better start. I'm assuming I'm about 5-6 weeks now, but it hasn't been confirmed.. My altrasound is in a couple weeks and I'm so excited, and beyond happy to see my little rainbow baby.. I can't wait to see you on the altrasound, mommy and daddy loves you so much already💕.. I need some prayers that everything's okay, I'm so worried I don't want something to happen to this little child.