My birth story: I went in Saturday morning for an induction. They used cervidil, oxytocin the Foley balloon broke my water. I told the nurse I was having very intense contractions she checked me and said I was at 5cm and said we can start the epidural. The anesthesiologist came in and put the epidural in. Less than 5 min later I said I have to push as she looked at me scared to death said no don't push not yet she panicked as she was trying to get everyone needed for delivery and put her hand down to try and stop the baby from coming out until the Dr came in. Once the Dr came in I pushed 2 times and baby girl was out she was born 11-27-16 at 4:59am 7lbs 2oz 20 inch long. the epidural didn't have time to take effect so I had a partial natural birth. Welcome baby Amber Faith