help ladies! I'm new 😊

I'm new to this group just added actually would love some advice. I got off of Nexplanon November 10th. We decided we wanted to start trying to conceive so we did. We also have always had unprotected sex which I never knew of the " 7 day rule" ...started using glow in hoping to track my ovulation and periods. I had a period November 14th ended Wednesday the 16th an that's when we really started trying. Since then I've acquired sore/achey boobs since Saturday , also had a few times of being nausted but as we all know wanting it so bad can cause your mind to play tricks so not sure if it's real thing , being off birth control or ovulation. I've never had sore boobs from anything other then pregnancy I have two kids 7 & 5. I've never actually did the whole "trying" thing though either. I would love all of your input I took this test tonight wasn't sure if the smug was normal or a good sign 😊