Bedtime routine

Sabrina • 24 and have a handsome baby boy that was born on 10/16/2016!
So, my son turned six weeks old yesterday and so far he sleeps in our room at night and during the day he either sleeps on me or in this newborn napper that came with our pack and play. But my husband usually goes to bed around 7 and we go to sleep at 9 but I know everyone says you need to have a routine. We never do anything, I feed him right when we get in bed and then he lays on me for a little bit cause he has reflux issues. We also don't have a set time that we wake up in the morning, it's just when he's awake and ready for the day. So, does anyone else not have a routine and it work out fine? Or do you need a routine for the baby? It's so hard to stick to one cause our schedules are all over the place. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!