what is your must-have items?

So we just found out we are pregnant. We weren't planning, which freaks me out since I'm a HUGE planner. So far, this is my list of things that we would want that would all last us around 2 years. It has totaled up to $1266.93, and that's if we didn't buy second hand (we plan on buying second hand. Reuse, reduce, recycle!) and if we don't get any gifts (which is unlikely as it's the first baby of my generation on my side and the first here on the west coast where all my husband's family is).
I also may actually be afraid that they'd try to buy us too much! We live in a 600sqft one bedroom apartment, we don't need more items than we actually own currently doubled as just baby items!
Okay, I will add a swing, and I have plenty of nappies on here. I have 6 waterproof one size covers and 30 prefolds. Also even in the crib many will be right next to the bed.
Also this is just cost for items, I wasn't meaning everything including medical things... just all the STUFF - baby would need