Gatlinburg, Tennessee is a cozy tourism fueled town located at the base of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I have grown up and still live thirty minutes from this beautiful area. Monday, a rapidly spreading wildfire swept through the national park, as well as the residential areas surrounding the town. Over 1,000 people have been displaced and are living in temporary shelters provided by The Red Cross. Many homes and cabins have been absolutely destroyed. My heart is breaking for the town and the people I love. If you are a religious person, pray. If you are not, send positive thoughts to the people who are experiencing absolute hell right before the holiday season. If you are financially capable, you can make donations to the Red Cross to help them take care of the people most in need. Below I have attached pictures of the national park that I have taken over the years so people not familiar can appreciate the beauty it was and will be again. If you read all of this, thank you so much.