dream hidden meanings 💤☁️☁️


I had a dream that I was in a house and upstairs in a room was my guy friend and down stairs was a family dinner and my ex was at the dinner as my bf. I was going up and down hanging out with my friend then going down to the dinner. (Btw my ex didn't really like this friend of mine because he thought he liked me but really his secretly gay) so I took my ex (boyfriend in the dream) upstairs and as we walked past the room my friend was i was like jack (friend) is here btw. Then ex goes why is he here I thought I could just come for a dinner with my gf then hang out. Then later on in the dream I remember looking at his face it was clear as day and was red on his cheeks, forehead and chin. Then I woke up..... 2 hours later the guy I'm talking to now sends me a photo of his face and it was all burnt in the exact same places... what does this dream mean? What are the hidden meanings?