20.10.2016 Elena bailey

My birth story started on the 19th October at 5.30 when I was laid on bed deciding whether my waters had broken or not, I decided they could have but was tired out so went back to bed until 7ish. I then woke up a bit more and thought I'd better ring the hospital and they said to come in. At this point I had mild cramp but nothing major..
I put my dogs in the car took had my husband drive then to there nans and we took them for a quick walk and fed the chickens. Then popped back home for hospital bags. Driving to york I started feeling more uncomfortable and damp! I couldn't sit my bum on the seat between contractions or pains as I thought. We got to the hospital
In an hour or so. I went to triage and she said my waters had gone but I wasn't in labour..(apparently) I was told I'd be monitored to check Ellie. I was then told that I was to be induced that night or the next day and I could probably go home but she kept me in for a while till my 2 hours were up on the monitor. Then she came bank at 12 ish and said there's an opening you can be induced now and to go off for lunch and cone back for one. So me and my husband tottered off down the hospital for sandwiches. I was struggling at this point but I thought I wasn't in labour and this was just part of baby carrying. I couldn't sit down at all.
 We then walked back down to maternity and we're checked in to the hospital to stay and we're given a room! It was lovely a bed and bath and sofa.. and a Tv not that I was in a for state to watch! I was then chocked by a midwife and told I WAS in labour already! I had had no painkillers at all, she said she'd check
Me every 4 hours so the wait began. Mum came at 2pmish  because my clever husband had forgotten my notes she was wonderful and health
Menease contractions and brought me more food  and magazines and a puzzle book for will. I had lots of baths with my mum helping me. She left and we walked her down to the doors. At 5pm I was 2cm. So will could have some tea I walked to the resturant with him and that was the most painful walk so far. Holding on to the walls as I went! We went back and the midwifes had changed over.. by 8pm I was in a lot of pain and I think it's now I had codine.. incpukdnt sit down as soon as a contraction  hit I'd shoot up of the bed. The only place remotely comfy was lent over the window sill. At 10pm I was given the option of pethadine it I was frightened of injections and I had another bath instead. This brought me to rhe 4 cm I needed to be to get on delivery. I walked to the delivery room between contractions and found anothe lovely room,  except the light blew up ..I was given gas and air and the next few hours are a blur through gas and air and pain. In the middle will went for the babies bag.  I was making a lot of noise and hurting.. I then started to push and struggled I had to breathe and push not shout and scream and not use the gas. but nearly got
There but needed assistance the midwife went for back up. Another midwife and a doctor came they mentioned the word. C section and put a capita in my hand and one to pee . I had an episiotomyby a doctor and the vontouse. It pinged off across the room! Then my beautiful little pudding was born.. worst pain. Ever she was handed straight to me and will 😍😍 then I handed her back while I was stitched up back on the gas and air- this hurt more than labour!!  Then I got up walked for a bath  bled for miles.. will sorted  Ellie and then 5 hours later we were back in ward. 26 hours from waters breaking to baby. Worth every second