Mil rant

First off let me say if you don't like negative post about mils bye. Okay so for one my and my SO are living at his parents house till we can get our own place and I am super grateful that they are letting us stay here rent free and all that. His parents and I don't have the best relationship but it's not the worst and I do appreciate them. So each paycheck my SO and I both put some money back as to save for our own place, they are holding it for us because that was their rule for letting us stay here (he's 19 I'm 21) fine no problem, they even have givin us gas out of their own pockets and not asked for it to be returned.... Again I am very grateful for that. But here's the problem, we found a perfect 2 bedroom apartment exactly where in town we want and exactly the price we can afford. Its literally perfect. So I texted his mom and asked if we could have the money for the app fee and got no response... Okay fine... I pick up my SO after he gets off work and he says they called him asking why I texted them and all this and why do we need it... So we get back and his mom comes down stairs and says you'll get the money Friday... Bitch what... 😒😒 like litterally it's our money.. For the apartment... For the Flippin apartment... Like what the hell you mean I can't have MY money... Bitch got me all the way fucked up. 😒😒😒 I want out.