Venting (long)

Hey mommas

Where i live its a huge open feild land etc. Well we cought ab 19 mice within the last month. I have a 3 month old baby for xmas im getting those abc block things that goes on the floor its like a mat. Well i dont want to still have them with the baby stuff being on the floor he has a play mat rn and every night i bring it upstairs due to them. It makes me feel disqusting. He doesnt wanna bring it up to the landlord today cause he thinks we only have 2 left its like weve cought 3 in the last 2 days..

He woke up to 2 loafs of bread dragged threw my kitchen , i woke up yesterday to the bagel bag dragged threw my dining room they tried to drag it threw the doors and into my living room but the door stopped it like its Fricken Nasty!

We also set a trap 2 wks ago in the ceiling and i heard it go off that night he STILL hasn't checked oe emptied it. Like thats so nasty and i can't reach it cause im short lol. Like he goes ill do it tm which was yesterday still didn't yet he goes I'm tired agian which was yesterday but yet he can walk to the compt and sit there for hrs upon hrs but not climb on A chair to check the trap.. make sense. It makes me feel disqusting. And im a very clean OCD person. Its eating me alive rn.

He says he doesn't wanna bring it up to him cause he thinks we only hve 3 left and he already payed for someone to come seal everything off.

Plz no bashing
