I'm curious

Ever since my husband came home for deployment we have been having more downs than ups. He turned 21 while he was deployed and since he's been home, he's been drinking a lot to the point he becomes a jerk towards me. I delt with his drinking before hand and I told the person who would get him alcohol to stop because of how he would act. Though now it's different one minute he'll be fine and all nice but then the next he'll bash me about everything like cleaning even though I will clean after our toddler will go to bed. Then he will go hide in our office either he'll lock the door or lock and put at least 90 pounds of weight in front of the door. I've talked about it with him and told him how I felt but it feels like he just doesn't want to listen nor even care about my feelings. I've heard things are a bit different when they come home but I'm just I just feel like crap like I can't even say anything