why fight?

My husband has a new coworker that I've come to feel that I'm not so comfortable with her. First time I saw her, they were leaning towards each other whispering a bit too close. I've seen way too flirty of texts between them, and suddenly they are following each their on Instagram. My husbands argument is that she's a lesbian and married. I feel like that's a cop out. Once she texted him "you called?" And I checked his call history and there wasn't one. I asked him and he said he deleted the call entry because he knew I would get weird about it.
Last night I opened up to him and asked him to please not follow her on social media. It turned into this weird debate that I'm controlling him and that he's not attracted to her, and that there's no threat. I wish I could believe him but so much evidence is against him. I literally don't know what to do, he told me he wouldn't delete her.