So worried and anxious

So I had a miscarriage Oct 29. I went to the hospital that day my hcg levels were 176. Went back to the hospital the next day my levels were 141. By Monday when I got to my doctors office my levels were 51. So they went down very quick. Starting nov 23 i started testing with hpt strips i got from amazon. They were all coming back negative. Nov 30 I took it again in the morning and thought i saw a line but wasn't sure. Threw it away without questioning it. Later on i bought a first response hpt and I got a very faint line at 345pm. I was shocked. When i got home later in the evening i looked at the test strip from the morning and there was a hint of a line. Anyways due to my miscarriage i tried testing with another strip and i couldn't see a line. Same thing the next day and same thing on Friday i started being even more worried. I have nausea and tender breasts but that's about it. Being anxious and scared I took another first response yesterday and the line is still faint. I'm so scared and my appt is not until the 12th. Trying so hard not to be so anxious but I can't help it. This is supposed to be my rainbow baby. First pic is nov 30@345pm. Second pic Dec 3 with fmu