Finally got my BFP

Finally got my BFP!!!! After a year and half of my husband and I ttc! I was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago and put on metformin righ away - final dose 1500mg no luck on it's own. My GYN then put me on 100mg of Clomid cd 5-9. I started using OPK from cd 12 until ovulation on cd 19. Confirmed follicle sizes with ultrasound on cd 17 - I had 4 mature follicles from 18-30mm on my left ovary. Confirmed ovulation with 21 day progesterone blood test revealing that my levels were 100.5. That's really high!!! At this point I already intuitively knew I was pregnant "had that feeling" plus I started developing symptoms just 1 day after conception : ovarie pain/cramps, bloating, gas, sensitive nipples etc...and got my very first BFP!!! Confirmed with 3 different tests!! Couldn't be any happier right now!! At one point I thought pregnancy would never happen for me and was so discourage, never would I have thought that I would be pregnant after my first round of Clomid! So just stay positive and know these meds do work just may take a bit of time! Just try to be patient and it will all work out!