hormonal bitch or what

Nicoli • Single mom,8 yr old girl & newborn baby boy
so im a single mom pregnant with my second .. his dad wants to be involved whicb fantastic ok no problem.. but he wants to date and before i found out i was pregnant o told him i wasnt feeling the relationship ... since finding out he thinks it changes things.. j still dont feel he and i would be doing anyone a favor if we went into a relationship and he keeps saying we should get married and blah... we didnt date exclusively ever more off and on and when we werent with someone else for a year.. he keeps pushing and i keep tellling him no.. he really pushed it last week after the babyshower he skipped out on to go help his friend with something... he called me at 2 am knowing i had work to ask why i wont give him a chance.. i explained again why i said no to a relationship and he basically went on for 2 hrs about how god would want us together and how i lead him on and i finally just said he didnt like my response and was acting like a child who wasnt getting his way. which he said fine ill still help out .. ok... pay day comes i had already sent off my rent check forgot a bill was coming out automatically and over spent.. oh crap.. i asked hey can i borrow 40 until next pay day so i dont bounce my rent check if not no worries ill figure out a way to get it. he said no you can have 40 not borrow it.. ok well fine .. thank you i appreciate it.. same day he asked for the christmas gift ,he insisted on buying my daughter who is 8 ,back so he can give it to his 2 year old... i said sure no problem since it was duplicate item he had bought her something that her uncle my brother bought her when he was up visitong over thanksgiving was thinking to take it back and exchanging it for another version but gave it back to him for his daughter no worries..so today after he dropped off a baby showe gift his friend gave him for our son.. which i said he could keep for his house but he insisted i take it. and the 40 he texts me asking what specifally the money would go to which i already explained to him but he wanted a list of what i spent the money on and why i needed the money which i know why he did iy cause he wants to list every dime he givea me to help if he ends up taking me to court.. and now hes mad because i said i didnt ask for a hand out i asked for help and plan to give the money back to you and asked why i am keeping him from.helping me...so now im pissed off and hes thinking im being too serious and honestly im.just done .. and told him so.. i feel like im not being bitchy but sometimes i dont know i am until someone points it out to me

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