controlling grandparents

Hy all! So my son is the first grand baby for my parents and for my in laws as well. My mother in law is super aggressive and controlling and she is super excited about having Nathaniel, to the point she is almost acting like he is her child and not mine! My husband hates how she is and doesn't condone it, but he has tried to set a boundary, but since Nathan's birth she has just jumped right over that boundary and sees no need. 
My parents live in South Carolina and we live in Tennessee, so we don't get to see them much. Well, my husbands parents are only 30 minutes from us, and they are always seeing Nathan. We went up to SC for two weekends in a row, and I thought Lisa( my in law) was going to fight my mom. Lisa called us at 7am that morning and asked where we were... I'm like- why is it your business at 7am?? We told her that we went to SC for the second weekend, she then got all offended and was like well, when am I gonna get the baby???
I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A CUSTODY BATTLEand it's not. This is so frustrating, because you would think if anyone gets offended about seeing Nathan l, it would be my mom because she rarely gets to see him due to the distance, but Lisa is the one to get offended at any moment she isn't the center of attention.  What do I do??? Can anyone relate to this?!? 🙈