Unwanted advice. Keep it to your god damn self.

Pissed off that I send my mom this picture of my baby (3weeks 4days old) and she goes and posts it on her facebook (I dont have facebook my sister told me she posted it) and my sister read me all the smart ass comments saying how I should not be letting her stand like this because it will make her bow legged. Um I am sorry but she is 1 MY DAUGHTER 2 If she makes gestures that she wants to stand I will let her and lastly I will kindly ask my mom to no longer post my baby without my fucking consent. Im sick of hearing so many people tell me "dont do that, do this, oh when I had kids and did this they were fine," ect. Fuck off. Even on my own instagram I have relatives or friends tell me to put her down and I hold my baby too much and shes going to get spoiled. Well fuck it my baby will be spoiled then with all my love in the world. I simply love my baby more then anything in the world and she will not be a baby forever so leave me be if I hold her 12 hours out of the day! I love my baby! *keyshia cole voice* haha.