am I over reacting?

Ok so this is how it started my bf was on his phone and he started laughing. I asked could I see and he showed me. It was a conversation between him and one of his friends from work. Ok so this is how it went 
My bf: What are you having? 
His friend: A boy.
My bf: What you naming him? 
His friend: I**** E****** 
My bf: That's cool, I'm trying to get my gf pregnant too.
His friend: Fr that's what's up.
My bf: Yeah we been trying since August.
His friend: haha you cant cum bro. 
My bf: 🖕🏼
That's when my bf laughed and I seen the conversation. I got mad and started crying because we been trying for so long and he laughs at that. I got mad too because what his friend said like to me that wasn't funny at all it actually hurt me. When my bf laughed I was like that's not a joke why are you laughing. He was like he was just kidding stop over exaggerating. I took it more painful because my bf took his side and laughed. I took it as my bf thinks us ttc is a joke. Am I over reacting or are they wrong? Sorry it's long!