taboo question

Baby cereal in bottle. Let me start by saying I haven't done it yet baby is 3 months old and well we have it really really bad baby wakes up ever 30 min 50 min max I feel and look like a zombie. It's affecting my health I have had a new black outs and I'm dizzy all the time due to being sleep deprived I have 2 other kids and husband works night shift so I have no help what so ever my family lives out of state so I literally am alone on this. 
I've read so many different things I've read more of NO DONT DO IT! And I've read some yes I've done it with all my kids at 3 months they even sell a special nipple y nipple for thick liquids 
Here I am trying to get a little sanity and some better sleep. 
If you have or are doing it please tell me if it helps them sleep longer and if you do it how do you do it? How much cereal in a bottle and what nipple size do you use I use dr brown bottles and are currently using level 1 
Thank you in advance