"mysterious" pelvis pain

So I was clinically diagnosed with endometriosis about 5 years ago and surgically diagnosed back in February. So just a little history...last year I had a perfectly healthy baby boy, but I was in pain the whole time like endo pain. After I gave birth I had an iud put in to see if that helped with pain. It did not. So in February they went in and cleared some of the tissue and fibroids out. That helped for about a month and I was back in pain with my cycles. Around the middle of July I started my cycle and the pain started shortly before that. It was normal pain to me at the time but it hasn't stopped. I had the iud taken out to see if that has helped and the pain has just been getting worse and doctors don't know what to do about it. They're kind of stumped. I get real nauseous when I'm in pain. The pain is so bad sometimes I can't move, all I can do is cry. Surprisingly sex helps the pain at least in the process of it, then shortly after I'm back in pain. I don't know if it's because it gets my mind off the pain or what. I'm 25yo with only one bio kid so they pretty much refuse to do a hysterectomy on me. If anyone has experienced this please help. It's driving me towards depression because I don't know what it is or how to stop it.