Okay, so I'm in desperate need of help.
I've been on the pill for going on five months. This is my fifth pack, I just finished my last withdrawal bleed.
I've been having trouble trusting the pill, even though when I do have sex, we use condoms correctly, the pull out method, AND I take every pill on time.
I'm on a low dose pill, and lately I've been having little to no discharge before my withdrawal bleeds and this time after. The only discharge I'll get is clear, slimy or lotion like and sometimes i have some red spotting mixed in. 
I guess the inconsistency worries me? I feel like I can't trust my pill. I'm always worried I'm pregnant even after withdrawal bleeds, and the spotting makes me worried about cancer because I google symptoms. 
I know low dose pills have higher risks when it comes to spotting and vaginal dryness, but how can I get over my fears that something is wrong?