Weird pressure and hard stomach.

First time mom here, due tomorrow! I've had no progression other than being 70% effaced. But this morning I woke up with cramps, and now I keep getting this pressure that works it's way up from the bottom to the top of my stomach, making my whole belly hard. It's not awfully painful, just very uncomfortable. It stays for a few seconds then slowly goes away. Its like the baby is pushing out but I know it's not him causing it by moving. It's not Braxton hicks either because I've had them for weeks and this is totally different. Could these be mild contractions starting? 
Edit: Yesterday I was out all morning and afternoon walking and shopping from 10-3:30. It got very painful to walk after a while and this morning it's painful to walk still. Also hurts around my vaginal area when I lift my legs or go to sit down.