my kids father

So long story short my children's father and I divorced because we were not good together at all. Shoot forward two years and he's found himself a girlfriend. They dated once before and broke it off because he said he didn't want to be with her anymore because she annoyed him. They've been dating for maybe two months and all the sudden he isn't coming to see the kids during the week and he doesn't even call them to talk to them anymore. She's suddenly everywhere with him around the kids after he was waiting to introduce them. My oldest (4 years old) has been struggling since she moved herself back into his apartment. My son hasn't been himself and I'm worried that her suddenly shoving herself into his life is throwing him off. I'm just look for some advice and please don't be rude. I don't know how to help my son, especially since the time he had with his father is cut way back. I brought it up once before and the father acted like he was sad that my son was struggling, but never did anything about it. He hasn't been around much overall, so I think it really hurt my son when he. It back even more.