Ex back on drugs

So I'm pretty sure my ex is back on meth. We have a 7 month old and he has a 4 year old. We haven't been together since about a week before I was pregnant but I've been letting him visit the baby. I'm planning on calling cps to have them drug test him. Will he go to jail? How much jail.time? Will he get his 4 year old taken away?

Edit: I'm asking the process that will happen if I do call so I can make a decision about what needs to be done. As I'm sure most of you know meth addicts can become very violent and he does have a violent history. I don't want to see him go to jail so that's why I'm asking

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Posted at
Are you worried about either child's safety? If so, then don't let him see them and if necessary call. If not, is this because you want to punish him or control his behaviour? You can't force him not to take drugs. He's got to do that himself


Posted at
Why don't you just give him a drug test? 


Posted at
He has a violent historu but u decide to have a baby with him. Very smart!


Posted at
Why would you go to that extent? At least you have a babysdad that wants to be in his child's life. You can't change him. If you're worried about your child's safety then supervise the visits he has with your guys' baby..