Sept '15 and Dec '16

So, my son was finally born yesterday and we are home! He is 6 lbs, 13 ozs, and 19.75 inches long. Kairi is VERY happy to have him as a little brother, but also super jealous. My water broke 2 days ago, at noon. However, we were on our way to the ER because Kairi had a 104.4 fever. She was very sick with hand, foot, and mouth. After she was released, i went straight to labor and delivery, still with no contractions. They checked me, and i was a 4. They did an ultrasound and there were NO fluids in the sack that they could see. We waited 4 hours to see if I'd progress on my own, and low and behold i didn't, so pitocin it was. They gave me the epidural first, but after another 4 hours, it stopped working completely. They checked me, and i was only a 5. So, they took out the epidural and started a new one. I told them i NEEDED to push, that he was there and ready. The nurse said "there's no way, we just checked and you're only halfway there". 5 minutes later, i convinced the on call doctor to check me and he was crowning. Come to find out, the sack had folded in on itself between my cervix and his head, and created a coushion so i could no longer dilate. When the new epidural first came in, it completely relaxed my uterus and caused the bags to unfold, and he just fell right into place afterward. 5 minutes of pushing and there he is!