how do you deal with rumors spread about you?

So I'm in college. About to graduate with my BSN. Super excited! Haha but there has been some set backs lately. I have a study group and earlier this semester it was brought to my attention that a mutual friend of mine and this girl in my study group told this girl that I said some rude things about them. Which I didn't. I'm not that type of person. I don't spread rumors. If I said anything about them it was something honest. But this mutual "friend" (who stopped talking to me 3 months before all this happened) told them I thought they were rude and nonproductive. I cleared this up as soon as I heard and everyone was fine except this girl. And she still doesn't look at me kindly like she looks at EVERY one else. And now just recently a classmate who has up until yesterday treated me kindly and talks to me stopped talking to me and was kind of rude when I asked a simple question. I just can't seem to get away from this. It's starting to really hurt that people would believe rumors over the truth. Should I just ignore it since I won't ever see these people again after Friday?