First Tattoo

Victoria • Almost 20 engaged to the most amazing man. Just trying to get by.
So I get my first tattoo on Thursday. I'm a little nervous. I'm getting it in my right shoulder so an area that won't be too painful. Anyone got tips for me on ways to make sure it heals quick. Any words of encouragement would be nice as well cause I am a bit of a scardie cat. Also this tattoo is my graduation for high school gift to myself. I got my ged and I'm enrolled in college and will be starting January ninth. 
Update* here is a picture of my design. I created it myself. 
Update two* the more I think about it the more freaked I am. That's a lot of after care and possible problems. Not to mention I'm a total scardie cat. Why do I think I can do this? I am kinda stuck though cause I have an appointment and everyone knows I'm doing it so I'm screwed. It's almost like I should go in tomorrow and see if he can work me in earlier so I have the adrineline of it being secret but then again I'm so damn freaked. Ahhh I have wanted this tattoo for over a year and now here I am thinking about backing down. It took my ten years to pierce my ears. This can not be like that.