bleeding 31 weeks

Has anyone experienced bleeding in third trimester. I went to the hospital the other day with bright red bleeding. It did stop and everything was fine. The placenta was low lying but it has moved since. now since being out I have experienced dark red/brown blood when I wipe. Not sure if I should be concerned. 
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Dark blood means it's usually old blood. That's what I was told by my doctor. I also have PP I'm 29 weeks but mine has not moved out of the way as of my last ultrasound from this week. I haven't had "blood shows" just one early on and that's how I found out I had it. I was told that blood episodes will happen as long as your not in any pain like cramping you should be fine. Hope that helps. 


Kim • Dec 15, 2016
Yeah if it was bright red again I would be in there asap but since it's not as much and darker I don't want to alarm them. I was monitored for 48 hours and everything was fine just but unsure as to why it would start again days later


Rodriguez • Dec 15, 2016
If your in pain, use your best judgement and do what's best for you. Good luck.


Posted at
Was there any sex involved?


Josh • Dec 16, 2016
I agree


Rodriguez • Dec 15, 2016
Good it's not due to sex. You should be on pelvic rest.


Kim • Dec 15, 2016


Posted at
Are you cramping really bad? Even if not I'd go to labor and delivery


🌹BlckPocahontas 🌹 • Dec 15, 2016
still go it might be a serious problem.


Kim • Dec 15, 2016
No pain


Posted at
Where you checked at the hospital for dilation? If you were it could just me old dried blood.


Kim • Dec 15, 2016
Not checked for dilation but was monitored and everything was fine when I left.


Posted at
Call yordoctor whenever there is bleeding