Life Just Isn't Fair.

This is what posting anonymously is for, right? So that you can just yell into the wind  without anybody knowing who you are? 
I'm not talking about my own life right now. I have problems, but I can handle them. I'm talking about my mother. 
I'd say she isn't perfect, but I honestly can't think of something that she needs to change to be a more giving, humble, kind person.
She left my dad when I was 11 (now in my 20's) because of emotional and financial abuse that he would not acknowledge was a problem. He is better now, but only since she left. 
Before my dad, she got an associates degree in international relations. While she was with him, she was a stay at home mom, which she loved, and I cannot express how amazing it was for me and my 2 siblings. After she left him, she spent the next 7 years getting her bachelors in landscape management to fulfill her dream of owning a landscaping business, which she now does. She did this as the single mom of 3 kids as she worked amd studied. The only time she complained was when she had to ask me for money to buy groceries so that she wouldn't have to go on welfare, and she would always find a way to pay me back. 
This isn't what I'm almost crying about tonight though. Earlier today, I get a call from her just almost in tears of joy. Someone left $500 on her doorstep This morning. She was in tears of joy because she got to spend $130 of it at my state's equivalent of the Salvation Army and got jeans, because I didn't know this, but apparently she only had one pair of jeans left and it was oil stained and a little too small. 
She was so happy, we hung up. 20 mins later, I get a call from my sister that my mom was in a car crash. She was ok, but she had major whiplash and the guy gave her fake insurance information. She spent an hour before she actually went into the urgent care on the phone with insurance companies making sure that they could pay for it. (As another side note, she has been fighting with health i surance as well because she doesn't make enough to be able to afford most health insurance, and she makes too much for the subsidy for really low income. There is no middle program in my state.) All she said when I called her was "I am sad." 
I'm just mad. Mad and sad. Why can't all the good things that she deserves happen to her? I found out later that the $500 came from my sister, who is also a college student, but she'd never tell her because my mom would find a way to pay her back. Alright, I'm done. Thanks for listening. 😞