Zika and Traveling

Shelby • Lawyer, artist, dog lover

Background: Been TTC since April '16.got pregnant in May, miscarried in July, been trying again since September. My husband and I won a trip with his company to Mexico for April. This isn't just a weekend getaway, this is an 8 day trip in a deluxe suite with private concerts by famous bands on the beach.

I told my OB about it today and she is telling me that if I want to continue to TTC then we both need to cancel the trip and if either of end up going, she wants to put me on birth control for 6 months after we get back.

I am aware of the zika risk and don't want to risk anything which is why I'm willing to cancel the trip if I'm pregnant, but I already feel like I have had to put my life on hold for a baby that may or may not come. I mean, what if I skip the trip because I'm pregnant, then miscarry again. I'm 35 so I'm being told I shouldn't waste any time, but I don't want to turn into a person who can't even enjoy life or go on vacation because I may or may not have a baby.

Do you think my doctor is being overly cautious? How do others deal with this kind of feeling, that you have to put your life on hold?