Recently Broken Up

So, my boyfriend of 2 years and 4 months broke up with me. The day after that anniversary. Over text. 😒. But that was the beginning of October and he's now dating the girl that caused a few arguements in the end of the relationship. We have "serious" talks maybe once a month, but we completely ignore each other at school, besides a glance here and there in the halls. He told me that he missed me and still wanted to be my friend, yet has made literally zero effort to try and be that. I have texted him every once in a while with jokes or conversation starters and I don't get a reply. We're both seniors, and I'm pretty sure we're going to the same college when we graduate.
Oh, and his new gf is still talking to her clingy ex that she dated (and cheated on and with) for over 4 years.
I just don't know how to handle the situation. Should I wait it out? It's very likely they'll break up, since he has some trust issues that he couldn't get over when we were dating