8 days late

Rebecca • 28 💗Married an amazing man 10/7/16👰💏 💙 baby #1 was due 7/2018 - ended ectopic 💔

Hey Ladies, I need your opinion! My husband and I got married in October, right around the time I lost my health insurance. Because I lost my insurance I stopped taking my birth control and we were using the pull and pray method. I'm currently looking into different types of insurance please don't make this a conversation about that.

Anyway, we had sex while I was ovulating in late November. I didn't realize I was right in the middle of my ovulation until later. I asked him if we should get the morning after pill and he said that he got out in time.

Now I'm 8 days late and getting cramps but cramps on both sides not just one. I've taken 2 tests both were negative. I have no idea why I'm 8 days late! Also it's not stress I'm cool as a cucumber, I love my job and we're leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow!
