can someone please help me with this?

(In advance apologize for errors) okay so this is going to be A fairly long issue I hope someone replies because I need help with this, but to try cutting it short, I left an abusive home mentally and physically. My mom being the mental part of it, I have four other sibilings that are still in that house hold. Maybe I should start From the very beginning? I have always watched my sibilings always, always, always, my parents are separated and my mom is with another man he is the father of the other four children (my sibilings) my mom always told my dad wants nothing to do with me and that he only wants to spend time with me because he doesn't want to pay for child support well that was never the case and my mom locked me away and had me basically be her slave I took care of my siblings every single day I cooked and cleaned and did homeschooling I was with them all the time more than she was my mom made me live with a man that did terrible things to me I rather not say, while I was trying to get threw high school I had to watch my mom get abused by this man and when I would try telling her to leave him she would tell me to mind my own damn business it got so bad and me turning 18 came around the corner and I didn't want to take it any longer I left home Also forgot to mention my sibilings were getting hit by this man and verbally abused and mentally. I left home and went to live with my boyfriend, my boyfriend told me I need to stick up for myself and I'm only touching the tip of the iceberg people anyways he told me to stick up for myself and I did so I told my mom I'm leaving  that I'm tired of the way she treats me and I'm tired of her staying with a man that did that to me and a man that does terrible things to her and I did I left with absolutely nothing but the clothes on my body mind you I finished highschool a week early I was the speaker at my graduation she stRted tearing up all my rough drafts of my speechs and calling me a bitch and saying my boyfriend just brainwashes me I left the house and I was crying out front and my mom called my bf told her to pick me up and said a bunch of lies on the phone saying how I told her the truth about how much my boyfriend really hates her when I never once said a single thing like that to her so there she goes with making up shit, well I got on with my life I cut my hair my boyfriend did my hair for two days straight making sure I was okay and did not have lice he bought me clothes helped me get my social and birth certificate and I started looking for a job I got a job started working saved up money and I'm much better today, I started talking to my father and it turns out none of what my mom said was true if my dad wanted nothing to do with me why did he break down in tears and begged to meet me when I met up with him and his wife and and the son they have ( my brother) it was one of the happiest moments in my life. My life has been amazing since I finally have my dad in my life and an amazing stepmom I consider more like a mother I never had and my baby bro, of coarse I did not forget my sibilings back at home I kept in touch bought them gifts for there birthdays and this is were it gets interesting I'm friends with my sister on fb and she saw my dad tagged me in a pic of us well she must have showed my mom because she texted me and said this 
I was kinda left in tears when I read these because I was thinking how could she say this to me? But I had a gut feeling this wasn't my sister maybe she wrote this but my mom put it on her to send it, I just don't understand why they would be angry I'm talking to my father who has never done anything but tried to be apart of my life and I'm so tired of my young sibilings who don't understand a thing that's going on and their having to go threw it they are being brainwashed and seeing my mom being hit and she is keeping them in the terrible conditions there in, I was to take action so
My question is to all of you is it wrong to call social services? I want my sibilings out of there I don't have other family to
Take care of them what will happen to them? I don't want them torn apart.. but I need to help, I can't not help I don't want to not do Anything I wanna try and be able to at least say I did something.