Latent labor ?


To start off I am currently 40+4

Yay me 😳

All yesterday morning I went to use the restroom and noticed some blood. Like spotting being of your period bright blood. Immediately called advice nurse to my OB and the Dr on call returned my call within minutes he said to come in too.make.sure because.i was over due.

I get there get hooked up and they notice I'm having contractions at first I couldn't feel them. But they had let me walk around to try too progress and see went get hooked back up too everything and the contractions are stronger they were always about 3_5 mins apart .

Get checked made no progress so.i get sent home .

I store before returning did some walking .

I come home drank.cummin tea and chomile tea .

I notice contractions ease off a bit.

They gave me pain. Meds before leave that made me super drowsy and still couldn't sleep thru the pain so get back.uo have some. More tea watch with my so... And we return to bed as they ease off again . This.timr.i finally can sleep all.thought I.awoke multiple times I.get up at. 630 too go pee. And notice.blood clots in the toilet as this.whooe time.i.have still.been.bleedinf from the day before .. Immediately call the Dr on call. And he says okay yeah baby's is probably ready . So leave our house at about 7 get there and im having terrible contractions all.about 3-5 apart but only.lasting like 30-45 secs. No progress was made either . O was.There.until about 1230 . And they latent labor. These contractions.literallly have me.ij tears.and. screaming already . I.have a Dr appointment tomorrow hopefully she can induce asap as I'm.alrwady feeling completely drained .