I had my handsome MR

I had my handsome MR. Walter April 1st 2016. I didn't know that I was in labor... we went to labor and delivery at 11pm to get checked and so my husband could decided if he could go to work the next day or not. When they did the exam the nurse looked at me shocked and at the monitoring machine and said "you aren't feeling any contractions?" I said no and was confused and she told me to look at the contractions on the screen. She then told me I was having significant ones that were 4 minutes apart and I was 8 1/2 centimeters already... 2 hours later I started pushing, I only pushed for 20 minutes and my baby was born. Unfortunately my doctor had to cut me 4 times for him to come out... they put him on my chest immediately and all I could think about was how dark he was and how much he looked like my mother in law who had passed away about a year and a half before his birth. That's when a nurse turned the light on and said "he can't breath" suddenly there was a whirlwind of people surrounding my bed. All i remember was someone had removed my gown and was 'massaging' him into my chest. Another person was sectioning his lungs. While another person was telling where and how to hug him and kiss him and hold him. All I could say was to take him from me and help him. After 5 minutes they removed him from my chest and put him on a table facing away from my bed. My husband was over there watching but people were blocking my view. My doctor was elbow deep in me trying to get bits of placenta out that hadn't detached and then started sewing me up. They worked on him for 30 minutes... it was the longest 30 minutes of my life. Finally I heard his cry... after that first cry they placed him back on my chest skin to skin and someone was there again telling me where and how to hold him and kiss him and rub his back and hug him. When the whirlwind of people left the room she was the last one out and told me to keep him on my skin for as long as possible and then she left. Later that day a nurse came in and was checking on us and commented on the way i handled him while he couldnt breath. She told me the reason they didnt take him when they firat noticed was because what i was doing was helping him hold on. I told her about the lady and asked who she was and if she could come back to my room so I could thank her. She told me that it sounded like a midwife and they didn't have those there. She said if there was a midwife in the room she was had to have been mine or she snuck in during all of the choas... I never figured out who she was but I believe that she saved my little man and I will never ever forget her. All I want is to meet her.