major, stressful dilemma

My bf and I have been together for a year & 1/2 now. We've been living together for the past 6 months of this & found out we're pregnant. At first, we were nervous, but SO excited. We talked about our plans and what we needed to do to get things in order. We're not in an ideal financial situation by any means, so this is a huge concern. However, ever since finding out about the baby, my bf has been acting out on me. Putting me down, trying to control me in minor ways, and lashing out in yelling fits. He's gotten aggressive to the point where he tried to forcibly kick me out of our apartment after an arguement and I had to involve the police because he thought he had the right to remove me from his apt even tho I live in it. This made me think I don't know him as well as I thought. We had a sit down with his parents and they talked to him about his recent behavior. He said he'd change but that's just talk. His parents are supportive of the baby and excited but my entire family is scared for me and worried about the baby's future coming into the world with a father who has become violent. After asking for their advice, my family thinks it might be in my best interest to get an abortion. I know my bf would be heartbroken but at the same time I think this is something he should've thought about before he acted out on me. However, I want to be understanding of the fact that he is probably nervous beyond measure and stressed because of the baby. I know this is absolutely no excuse for him to just be downright mean, but I feel guilty giving up on him. I love him deeply but if it weren't for me being pregnant, I would have left him for getting so angry/aggressive with me. But if I wasn't pregnant, I'm not sure the aggressive situation would've ever happened. But thats something I don't tolerate. As of lately, when he gets angry with me I don't necessarily feel safe anymore. When we begin to disagree, even about the tiniest things, I have to leave instead of voicing my opinion or talking our way through it. I know if I got the abortion, our relationship wouldn't survive because he (understandably) doesn't agree with abortions. However, I'm not sure there's a healthy relationship there to begin with. It's so hard to tell if my emotions are getting in the way of making the "right" choice. I know I'm going to have many people who think I'm wrong for even considering an abortion but I can't help but feel like my family is looking out for my best interest and Im scared to death that my baby will be in danger being around his father in his future. My bf and I might potentially be able to work on things for the baby's sake, but I'm not confident like I used to be that we're "meant" to be together. Please, with as little judgement as possible, can anyone give me their input???! I'm desperate here. This is my life and my future. I know I'll be emotionally WRECKED from an abortion. It would kill me inside. But I was excited for this baby and now I'm scared I won't be able to give him the life/family it deserves. If I leave him, I have very few places to go and wouldn't have a stable home for my baby. I also don't have stable financial means to raise a child. I know there is help for this but I'm considering the fact that maybe I'm just not ready for this. This man is my world but he mistreated me. Is this because of the stress or is this inexcusable behavior? I've considered becoming a single mom but I'm just so worried that he isn't a fit father right now. I don't want to be the person who feels like they need to keep their child away from their father. Not to say he might not be a good father one day in the future, but I'm scared to take that chance knowing he's already lashed out on me. Please help!