I feel like moms boast or lie about their "pregnancy" symptoms

I guess I'm here sounding like a Debbie downer. I am looking forward to meeting my little girl but the downs of this pregnancy are making it hard for me to enjoy the moments. Currently I'm on bed rest at 18 weeks 5 days. Earlier than I anticipated. I'm going stir crazy in the house but currently with a fever of 101, sinus infection and pinched nerve in my back..I've seen better days. I'm in so much pain and on top of it the only thing I can take is Tylenol. Last night I had the cold chills so bad that under four blankets I needed my fiancé to cuddle to get my body heat up. It's been 3 days of hell. Before that at 17 weeks I had a fall while carrying laundry and thought I lost the baby so it's been an ongoing roller coaster. I've been sick the entire pregnancy with morning sickness and thought by now the vomiting would subside and to make matters worse, I have no urge to go pee when I need to throw up but as soon as I start vomiting, luck will have it that I peed my pants a long the way. I wish I had control over my body that's what frustrates me. I wanted the glow and to be the mom to love every moment of this pregnancy but I'm not. I don't read any posts about miserable pregnancies and feel alone because everyone can still be active eat whatever they want and I've only gained 4 lbs. Anyone else going through this or am I just a miserable whining broad lol