Feeling optimistic TMI

Last night I went to the bathroom to wipe because I felt like I had some discharge and it was blood with a small clot. My husband and I immediately burst into tear and met his parents at the ER.
They only had an older ultrasound machine with a small screen, but we were able to see the baby and it was moving around. Doctor checked and my cervix is closed shut. Never had any cramping or back pain, and now just a little tiny bit of brown old blood when I wipe. 
Still scheduling an appointment to see my OB this afternoon. I'm just dying for it to get here! 
The doctor last night said that more than likely it was just the baby growing, and making the placenta tear away a little but which he said is common and heals itself quickly. I'm glad to have seen the baby kicking around and everything, but I was up all night and having nightmares about it. I'm 9w5d. 
Also, blood tests came back normal.