My hypnobirth story (56 hrs and c-section!)

Lili • Geek Mom 😊

I am a very anxious girl, so I wanted to take pre-birth classes to get ready and by coincidence I found a hypnobirth practicioner in my city. I like the idea of "release fears" on the brochures and decided to take the workshop. During 5 weeks we prepared (my husband too) and we read the book, watch videos and did all the meditations and massages. Instead of being nervous I was totally happy and ready for my baby to come.

I wake on saturday 4 am because my water broke, we call the midwife center and we went to the hospital for check up at 10 am. I was relaxed and exited. I tought I will have my baby that day. But the midwife say I was not even start opening and I should wait until sunday to go back, or early if the contractions start to be very close. Went back home and did all my meditations and visualizations. I was very calm. Contractions started until sunday morning around 2 am. We wnt to the hospital in the morning and I was only 1-2 cm. So they to a membrane break. It hurts! I went back home and contractions start to be closer but not even on time. By 6 pm i was so tired but contractions were 5 min, 2 min, 4 min appart. My husband decided to take to the hospital and they told me i was only 3-4 cm. So I talk with midwife and doctor and we decided to induce and take morphine. By that time I slept only 2 hours. Morphine didnt helped, i was tired and in pain, but very aware of all. We accept the epidural. All that night I keep meditate and working on a natural birth. But at 10 am on monday the baby started to have heart rates up and down and I was only 7 cm. I was exhausted my body was completely done. Midwife and doctor suggested the c-section and I start crying and start shouting at them "Why you didnt do it earlier?" They said it was because I wanted a natural birth and they saw me very decided on it. So my bany was born at 11:50 pm on monday after 56 hrs since water broke and a very very tired mom. But after, i was strong enough for breastfeeding and write to all my friends and family! I was calm and ready to go after a good sleep.

I think without all I learned with hypnobirth, it would have been a big disaster and frightening experience. But it wasn't and I am glad for it. I keep doing my breathings and meditations and it helps me get on with the breastfeeding so I really recommend hypnobirth!! 😊