little rant (sorry, I need to get it out) *update*

Never have I ever wanted so badly to reach into someone's throats and pull their voice box out as badly as I want to do hers. I work with this self obsessed bitch. I'll be in the middle of a convo (about anything) and she will somehow put herself into the conversation! "Omg, my mom complained about my car too! So I was like mooooom im bored!", then she goes on and on AND ON about her fucking life story, that NO ONE cares about! She's the reason I left my last lane. Now she's moved over and is annoying my new lane. I want to slap the fucking mole right off of her fucking lip. Miss wears pair of seethrough leggings everyday when it's fucking 20 below because she wants to show off her crusty ass. Ugh! My managers won't do shit about her and I'm so fed up! I used to love this job, now I just want to shoot myself every time she talks!
She started following me and harassing me. I asked her to stop and she went psycho. I wasn't talking to her and she just butted into the conversation! Like hello, was I talking to you? She too, verbally attacked me. Then had the balls to say I was being rude!? Bitch no! Shut your moley face up. She did get introuble and I made a report to HR about her. The ambassador on  my lane took up for me, stating I was there first and not her. After break, I went home. I couldn't deal with her. I needed a break. She was about to be permanently silent in the hospital if I stayed.