trying to conceive

Today I need some support. 
My husband and I have been trying for a year. Within this past 6months my best friend has become pregnant and my sister as well. The two people I would consider my best friends my outlet, the people I go to with all of my struggles besides my mom. And for all purposes you can add my mom in the mix of people I can't talk to because every conversation she will ask or find a way to ask if I am pregnant in casual conversation. 
I feel alone! My husband is very supportive. Last night after I yelled and hung up on my poor, loving, selfless, who only means good, mom. He held me in his arms and would not let me out of his arm until I was finished sobbing. 
I know I am shutting myself off. I really don't have anyone that understand where I am coming from. Hence the SUPPORT reach out on glow. 
The quotes of heartache and the kick when you are already curled up on the ground sobbing quietly... 
"Just realx it will happen when you stop stressing about it. I know that is easier said than done" the kicker ... "you can alway adopt" -mom 
"How long have you been trying? (To my husdand as I am in the restroom) 8months "Oh that's not long enough to be worried" the kicker... she is pregnant and got pregnant 2 weeks after her wedding. oh and is UNHAPPY about her pregnancy. -best friend 
"I am pregnant" kicker... calls me on MY two year anniversary (she knew what day it was for me and that I have been trying)  -sister really you could not wait one flipping day to tell me. You just peed on a stick! 
I am just sad. It is also 5 days until Christmas and not one person has asked for my address. I am a traveling nurse and move every 3 months. 
Sorry for my pitty party.