parents sexualize my body

mostly my mom tells me but sometimes my dad. tell me to change my clothes or i
look to sexy (i'm literally just wearing a low cut shirt but my tits aren't falling out) or when my shirt is not even showing cleavage it's just my chest or my shirt is a little short and u can see the tiniest bit of my stomach. i'm 17 almost 18. i had my school winter formal a week ago and i wore a tight dress that my mom bought and she was ok with it and i went and i wore and obviously i'm going to take pictures with my friends and such and she saw the pics and tells me they're too "seductive" delete them (cause i posted them on fb). i get that they care for me but it gets to a point where i can barely wear anything without her saying shit. like i still wear what i want because my outfits aren't even revealing and it's so annoying all theytell me" too much showing ""you never know people" like i know how to take care of myself and the way i dress i dress for myself and only for myself whatever makes ME feel good about myself. and they don't understand even if i trying telling them. any advice how i can get through to them? mostly my mom