Preeclampsia and Early Inducing

So, yesterday I had an appointment at the doctor and they said i had high blood pressure and an extreamly high amount of protein in my urin. They diagnosed me with preeclampsia and sent me directly to the hospital. They said the placenta isn't giving my little one enough blood flow which is stunting his growth. His heart rate is still strong and steady and he's moving around a lot, he's just under weight. They're giving me steroid shots to help advance the growth of his organs and want to induce at 24 weeks. Right now I'm at 33 weeks and 2 days, so we're estimating around the 1st of the year he will be here. Needless to say I'm one nervous momma.. I'm not quite sure what to say or do about the situation and I feel completely helpless.. any advice for this at all ladies?