Advice on boyfriend's father

So I tried to do something nice even though I felt like absolute CRAP and go shopping for my boyfriends secret santa at work. Long story short once i got to the store my boyfriend got into an argument over the phone and he hung up on me. So I didn't buy the gift and went back home. Later on his father made a comment about how I "should have went to the store for him" so he didnt have to and how we have to "work as a team". And my bf had the nerve to agree! ! So obviously i made it clear that I did go. Then a bit later I went to eat and told my boyfriend who was up the block to cone look at the menu and I would get him food. He said "No" so I left it that. Then his father in law from the back seat said "wait you got food and didn't get him anything" and my bf said right and started laughing as if I didn't offer. I went OFF and called his father an instigator. And I went off on my boyfriend for making it seem TWICE like I didn't try to do something for him. Now I'm wrong because I yelled at him in front of his father. What do yall think?