Funneling Cervix , 1cm Dilated

has anybody experienced with Funneling cervix/ Shorten Cervix / Dynamic Cervix ? 
at 24 weeks i went to my doctor for a regular anatomy scan , than he told me my cervix was funneling, The next day he scheduled me for a high risk appointment my cervical length was 1.5cm - 3.0cm. Which i had gotten admitted into the hospital that day , I was having contractions on & off . They checked my cervix again around 25 weeks which they said it has gotten way better but still dilated 1cm nothing changed ( which is a good thing , since i was only 24 weeks ) anyways 12/7 i had three contractions but i left the hospital that day on strict bedrest / no activity nothing . 
I have gotten magnesium sulfate , probia to stop contractions but nothing worked ... I also gotten steroid shots 24 hours apart for my daughter lungs just in case she tries to come early . Currently i am 26+6 haven't gotten my cervix checked in a week but i want to know if anyone experienced this , if so did you make it full term or if not when did you deliver?