help help help


Very nauseous here.. it won't stop! Any ideas how to get through this and how long it will last for? I'm at about 6 wks
Also hungry but obviously can't eat bc nauseous. Ironic.
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Try mild foods like crackers and cereal to see if you can find one that you can eat enough to settle your stomach. I found saltine crackers and honey comb cereal worked best for me. I also liked ginger candies and preggo pops. But don't over use them or you'll be so sick of them you'll get sick thinking about them! Lol. 😊


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I hate soda because of the carbonation, but honestly, tiny sips if ginger ale (or even just smelling it) helped me a lot. If you have a pickle jar handy you could try eating a pickle (the vinegar helped me sometimes) or you could smell the pickle juice as well. It sounds weird but both of those worked for me. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning because of morning sickness and the nausea was a killer.


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Sea bands helped me tremendously!  


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Have you met with your doctor? They often give you a list of over the counter aids for all pregnancy symptoms, especially nausea. If none of the natural remedies help, your doctor can give you anti nausea medicine. For me personally, sea bands, saltines, taking my prenatals at night with a full meal, and a heating blanket helps. Granted my nausea is still intense enough I can't go to work, but I would rather take some time off work and not fill my body with prescriptions while growing this baby. For most the symptoms disappear after 12-16 weeks. So you might have another two months to cope.


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Talk to your doctor about meds to help. Water with lemon helped me a lot my first pregnancy . This pregnancy I'm on phenergan and still nauseated at 34 weeks. A lot of women finish with nausea soon after 1st tri