What is going on??

I had my baby back in September but I have not gotten my. Menstrual cycle. Since then. since then I've been having different kinds of cervical mucus some days I have sticky and clear or cloudy others I have really creamy and white milky like and sometimes water like but I have not gotten my menstrual cycle. At all not even spotting me and my husband we're having sex and we were using condoms but back in OctOber around the last week of that month the condom ripped and we did not notice till we finished I did a pregnancy test the first of November and it came back negative and I've been feeling really moody and I've been really bloated and having a lot of cravings and I'm hungry all the time I don't know what's going on is there a possibility I can be pregnant with this baby I just had I was always bloated that was one of my pregnancy symptoms I had so I'm kind of confused and kinda scared also because since I just had this baby I don't think I'm ready for another one that soon